This is for those keen on broadened academic papers besides the Western-centred ones. Several academic journals and platforms are recognized for their openness to diverse methodologies, epistemologies, and perspectives, aiming to challenge traditional colonial frameworks and embrace more inclusive and …

Academic Journals Read more »

Research Methods Summary Findings Focus Group Summary Mentimeter Survey Summary Field Notes Summary Next Steps Engaging deeply with Paulo Freire’s seminal work, “Pedagogy of the Oppressed,” I am committed to comprehensively grasping its essence, moving beyond cursory readings or interpretations …

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Ethic Participant-facing documents Brief Information Sheet Consent Form Introduction The Brief is composed of two versions: the Accessible Brief and the Artefact Brief, both of which are included to provide students with clear, interactive and readable content. The Artefact Brief …

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Concept image

Final Version Ethic Participant-facing documents Brief Information Sheet Consent Form Intro My Ethical Enquiry Form for the Action Research Project focuses on the impact of student self-evaluation on critical thinking, anxiety, and compassion among diverse students, aiming to create equity. …

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About me Research Question Artefact ARP Blog Matrix Introduction The project explores the impact of student self-evaluation on critical thinking, anxiety, and compassion among students with diverse backgrounds, abilities, and needs. The research question investigates how self-evaluation can bridge inclusive …

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Research Inclusivity Ethnography Case Study: Self Assessment My Action Research project investigates “How can student self-evaluation impact critical thinking, anxiety, and compassion among students of diverse backgrounds, abilities, and needs to bridge inclusive gaps?” It integrates discussions with Carys Kennedy …

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Summary To meet Learning Outcome 1, I’ll use evidence-based research to demonstrate how inclusive self-assessment is a social justice issue. I’ll outline the intersection of my topic with fields like educational psychology and social justice, detailing my interest and its …

First Thoughts on Learning Outcomes Read more »

Research Inclusivity Ethnography Case Study: Self Assessment Discussion with Carys Kennedy 28 Sept 3pm Summary Conversation My discussion with Carys Kennedy, fit well within my research question: “How does student self-assessment impact critical thinking, anxiety, and compassion among students and …

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I’m in the early stages of my Action Research Project, focusing on the impact of self-assessment on critical thinking, anxiety, and compassion in Higher Education. I’ve been discussing inclusive approaches with disability experts and consulting with Dynaya Bhutipunthu from MUIC, …

Know, Liberate, Transform! Read more »

Working from BERA’s ‘Responsibilities’ Responsibilities to participants Consent Transparency  Right to withdraw Incentives Harm arising from participation in research Privacy and data storage Disclosure Responsibilities to sponsors, clients and stakeholders in research Methods Responsibilities to the community of educational researchers …

Intro to Ethics: Exercise on ‘Responsibilities’ Read more »

Research Inclusivity Ethnography Case Study: Self Assessment Summary: “Writing small discoveries: an exploration of fresh observers’ observations.” by AKSEL H. TJORA Summary: “Writing small discoveries: an exploration of fresh observers’ observations.” 50 Words The article emphasises the underexplored but crucial …

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Research Inclusivity Ethnography Case Study: Self Assessment Discussion with Dynaya Bhutipunthu Discussion Summary In a discussion with Dynaya Bhutipunthu from MUIC, we explored the dynamics of student self-assessment in Higher Education settings. Our conversation dovetailed with my research question on …

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“The essential challenge is to transform the isolation and self-interest within our communities into connectedness and caring for the whole.” Block, P., 2008.“I want there to be a place in the world where people can engage in one another’s differences …

Race Read more »