Accessible orange peels of justice

11 Jan – Workshop Day Notes –
Sensations (from me/ and the room)
- Humbleness
- Very warm environment
- Hope
- Honesty
The work /people presented that affected me the most was when it was not about ideologies and paper but their true story, experiences and sharing. I realised I can be honest at the Pg Cert and dont need to wear a mask.
The discussion are enlightening. It feels like everyone is struggling with the same issue and approach.
Morning Presentations Group B with Rachel

Joel Simpson
Fine Art – Chelsea > urban design and social. Hope and strength. Joel Simpson is an artist whose practice involves walking tours of London, focusing on how histories of colonisation shape the design of urban public spaces. He graduated with BA Fine Art at Chelsea College of Arts in June 2018. In September 2018, Joel started co-delivering Creative Mindsets workshops before becoming Project Assistant from July to December 2019.
Joel was very warm and humble, and like his tea made in a specific way.
Satya Shankar Banerjee
How to teach anyltic to artsit and designer. Differen background and approach to art : art as industry and /or self espression. Digital innovations.
Katherine Hearst Animation, documentary – refugee, languages: many strands. Learning best when a reciprocal relationship with teachers. Classroom as location possibility. How do we implement engaged pedagogy in the context of increasingly financialized arts education?• How do we create space for meaningful exchange between students and teachers around the need to fulfil the requirements of the course: so much of our time is taken up with rushing the students through deadlines.
Khaver Idrees Based in London, Khaver’s work seeks to blur the boundaries between art and life. Social engagement/participation is essential in her research-based practice, embodying the First Law of Thermodynamics.T
Creativity without Enthusiasm is like tea without water. Some people believe creativity requires freedom of expression.- Others believe production requires social control and decentralisation of identity. – There will always be a group of individuals responding to their creative impulses despite their surroundings or means.- To some, a creative impulse manifests itself as resistance, integrity and constantly bringing about a balance in society.- To others, a creative impulse is simply an act of rebellion.
No money x Illness. oranges and vitamins C, orange peel. the smell of oranges, cutting peels
Rachedl: To embed care, slow practice, and resistance.
Anna-Nicole Ziesche Anna-Nicole Ziesche graduated MA in fashion Design from Central Saint Martins College of Art and Design in London in 2000.
2 daughters. Fashion is about collecting imagery to transform it into a garment and back into imagery: the garment can remain an image. She made a film where she performed endless deadline possibilities. Relationship between mind and dress.
Struggled for Digital
Rosie Scanlan-Leroux Rosie – Outreach Administrator She does not come from a background of academia, her view is very warm and honest . A sense of belonging.
Anahita Razmi practicing visual artist Ba fine art
Izzy Smithson The combination of illustrations, simple steps, glossaries, and general information helps to give students additional information that they can take away with them to continue learning with, add notes to or develop further in or after the induction. Is what we teach accessible and helpful to students?
Exceptionally handcrafted, hands-on; look for accessibility

Morning Groupd Feedback Session
Pleanery Discussion & Padlet
Sub Group: Is it possible to tackle social and environmental injustice from within the university?
Collective voice
- feel the same.
- 100%
- I am surprised you said “lecturer” resist, I found the administrative and economical structure ignore the demand of the lecturer and students.
- I hear you
- I am a little burned out by UAL hypocritical approach: they claim ” social justice and climate action” but in reality the moment one even try to explore (never mind implement) it is shut down by the bureaucracy.
- absolutely, its double speak
- I had the same experience working for theatres/arts institutions
- 100%
- It’s a huge contradiction that lies underneath a lot of what goes on at UAL!
- I wonder if anyone found small tactic to react to this … I dont know about you all but I finding myself in hot spot of dissatisfaction and I want to find real “action”: not necessarily solution… small tactic as I dont have all the answer – far from it… but a place were we… can… play… ? at least?
Any one found any moment of “happiness”?
During this conversation, the person that actually asked the question stayed silent all the time