Know, Liberate, Transform!

Know, Liberate, Transform!

I’m in the early stages of my Action Research Project, focusing on the impact of self-assessment on critical thinking, anxiety, and compassion in Higher Education. I’ve been discussing inclusive approaches with disability experts and consulting with Dynaya Bhutipunthu from MUIC, who has run a similar project. My next steps include a thorough literature review, ethical clearance, and methodology planning. Despite this progress, I’m filled with apprehension, questioning whether I’m adequately addressing the project’s objectives and how to ensure the self-assessment techniques will be effective and inclusive.


“Liberating Minds and Curriculum: The Role of Student Self-Assessment in Fostering Critical Thinking, Alleviating Anxiety, and Cultivating Compassion in Higher Education”

Short Title 

Know, Liberate, Transform!

  1. Minds Unleashed: Self-Assessment
  2. Assess, Liberate, and transform
  3. Freedom Through Reflection
  4. Reflect to Liberate
  5. Unbound Learning

Research Question & Keywords

Research Question: How does student self-assessment impact critical thinking, anxiety, and compassion among students and staff in a Higher Education teaching and learning environment?

Keywords: Self-assessment, Critical Thinking, Anxiety, Compassion, Higher Education, Teaching and Learning, Student Experience, Staff Experience

What do you need to know more about? (Knowledge formation/concept mapping)

  1. Existing Research: What does existing literature say about self-assessment in educational settings and its effects on critical thinking, anxiety, and compassion?
  2. Methodologies: What research methods are commonly used in similar studies?
  3. Ethical Guidelines: Deep understanding of the BERA guidelines and other ethical considerations, particularly “Responsibilities to participants: Consent.”
  4. Cultural and Social Factors: Understanding how these aspects could influence self-assessment and its implications.
  5. Institutional Policies: Guidelines or constraints set by the Higher education institution where the research will occur.
  6. Psychological Factors: How critical thinking, anxiety, and compassion are generally measured and understood in educational psychology.

What is the next thing you are going to do? (Action plan/task list)

  1. Literature Review: Collect and review existing studies and papers on the research question.
  2. Consult Advisors: Schedule meetings with tutors and peers to discuss the scope and feasibility of the project.
  3. Ethical Clearance: Complete the Ethical Research form on Moodle, considering guidelines from BERA and other sources.
  4. Methodology Planning: Decide on the methods for data collection, which may include surveys, interviews, and observations.
  5. Pilot Testing: Run a small pilot test to validate the methods and questions for data collection.
  6. Data Collection: Implement the methods for data collection among the targeted student and staff population.
  7. Data Analysis: Analyse the collected data to draw preliminary conclusions.
  8. Peer Review: Share findings with your ARP group and Action Learning Set for input and criticism.
  9. Final Report and Presentation: Prepare the final report and a 10-minute presentation summarising findings, methods, and implications.
  10. Reflection: post-project analysis to understand what went well and what could be improved for future iterations.

Where are you up to? (Taking stock)

 I am currently in the initial stages of my Action Research Project, discussing inclusivity in self-assessment with representatives from the Disability department. I am also in conversation with Dynaya Bhutipunthu from MUIC, who has executed a similar project. I am reviewing her material to gain insights and possibly integrate some of her methods into my project.

How are you feeling about it? (Temperature check)

I am terrified about the project. Despite making some progress, there’s a lingering fear that I may not correctly address the project’s aims. I am still determining whether my self-assessment approaches will be effective and inclusive, which adds to my apprehension.

Image: Noce, Kim. (2021). “Power” Online Illustration, Video and AR. Available at  (Accessed: 27 September 2023)