1F Action Plan

1F Action Plan


October 2023 – Planning and Contextualization

  • Ethics Form: Review the completed ethics form to ensure ongoing compliance with ethical standards and framing Social Justice.
  • Draft Activity Plan/Brief: Refine the activity plan based on Freirean pedagogy, emphasizing inclusivity and interdisciplinary research and social justice.
  • Develop Research Methods: Finalize the research methods, drawing from the fields of inclusivity, interdisciplinary research, Paulo Freire’s philosophy, and insights from research, ensuring they’re ready for the activity in December.
  • Update Action Plan: Align the action plan with the ARP Blog Matrix for iterative reflection throughout the project.
  • Prepare Participant-Facing Documents: Craft participant information sheets and consent forms that are clear, concise, and embody the project’s rationale.

November 2023 – Pre-Activity Preparation

  • Finalize Brief: Ensure the brief is participant-focused and clearly communicates the project’s rationale and Freirean approach.
  • Prepare Observation Templates: Develop templates that will help observers capture critical moments and reflections during the activity, consistent with the research methods.

December 2023 – Execution and Documentation

  • Run Activity (Scheduled for December 11, 2023): Facilitate the artefact creation activity, applying and observing the planned methods and participant engagement.
  • Capture Outputs: Document the activity through focus group summaries, Mentimeter survey summaries, focus group and field notes, all reflecting the Freirean methodological approach.
  • Reflect on Session: Engage in immediate post-activity reflection to evaluate the effectiveness and adherence to Freirean pedagogy.
  • Debrief with Observers: Conduct a debrief session to discuss observations and gather feedback from colleagues who observed the activity.
  • Document Findings and Next Steps: Post-presentation, document summary findings and plan for the next steps, feeding into the ongoing cyclical process of action research

January 2024 – Synthesis and Planning

  • Collate Feedback: Compile all feedback, including from focus groups, Mentimeter surveys, and field notes, and document it in the ARP Blog Matrix.
  • Plan Next Steps: Use the collated feedback and reflection outcomes to inform future actions, ensuring a recursive process that ties back to the research question and rationale.

February 2024 – Finalization and Presentation

  • Prepare Presentation Slides: Develop slides that encapsulate the project’s journey, aligning with the ARP Blog Matrix and emphasizing the Freirean pedagogical approach and Social Justice.
  • Finalize Presentation Slides: Ensure the final slides reflect the participatory nature of the project for the February 9th presentation.
  • Deliver Presentation: Share the findings, process, and reflections, inviting dialogue and further interaction on the ARP Website.

March – May 2024 – Reiteration of the Artefact

  • Document Findings and Next Steps: Post-presentation, document summary findings, tutor and colleague feedback and plan for the next steps, feeding into the ongoing cyclical process of action research for the Unit 5 of Ma animation in June 2024
  • May 15 2024 Create new brief Ensure the brief is participant-focused and clearly communicates the project’s rationale and Freirean approach

Throughout this timeline, each step is interlinked and feeds back into the overarching action plan, creating a dynamic, iterative process reflective of both the Freirean pedagogical cycle and the circular nature of action research as depicted in the image.

Action plan with clickable links

