Art Therapy in Beijing

Art Therapy in Beijing

(Translation Chinese at the end) (中文翻译在文末)

Exploring Art Therapy at the ACG Natural Healing Academy: Reflections on Participation and Future Directions

On August 28, 2024, I was honoured to participate in the ACG Natural Healing Academy opening ceremony in Beijing, where I was part of the ribbon-cutting event. This marked the beginning of a day dedicated to exploring the intersections of art, therapy, and natural healing. The academy’s focus on integrating art into therapeutic practices resonated deeply with my interest in developing Animation Art Therapy, a field I actively explore to bridge visual storytelling and psychodynamic healing. The event featured an array of artistic experiences, including a fashion show, a handspan performance, Aromatherapy and Sound Therapy.

As the day progressed, I engaged in the Art and Therapy Drama session, emphasising creative expression’s therapeutic power. Participating in this session showed me how performative art facilitates emotional release and self-exploration, crucial elements in therapeutic settings.. This experience reinforced my belief in the transformative potential of art therapy, where artistic practices become a conduit for expressing complex emotions. Engaging directly in the art therapy session – run by Lu Meng-Cynthia (@Cynthial92)– highlighted the importance of embodied practices in fostering empathy and deep emotional connections, validating the therapeutic frameworks I aim to develop in Animation Art Therapy. The event’s emphasis on merging traditional healing with innovative approaches aligns closely with my goals. My vision for Animation Art Therapy involves creating a comprehensive framework that integrates artistic and psychodynamic principles, offering new ways to address psychological needs and broader social and environmental concerns.

Participating in the ACG Natural Healing Academy’s opening was an inspiring experience that underscored the importance of well-being and awareness. Through continued exploration, I hope to contribute to a dialogue that values creativity, empathy, and interdisciplinary approaches to mental health.





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