Tutorial – 17 Jan 11am

Tutorial – 17 Jan 11am

Rachel Marsden r.marsden@arts.ac.uk https://moodle.arts.ac.uk/mod/scheduler/view.php?id=946711
Video Room https://moodle.arts.ac.uk/mod/collaborate/view.php?id=937523

Questions for Tutorials



  1. Dyslexia: for the written part, are there options for video recording and/or practical tasks instead? (Also, since October, I have been trying to book a screening to receive an ISA, but the resources LCC put in place are so poorly funded I cannot even get an appointment.)
  2. Not sure if I understand Workflow, I imagine all will be clear on 13 February; however, by having ADHD, I am forever anxious I might need extra time to catch up. Are there examples of past student submissions that worked well? Can we access them? ( I can’t use the blog because it can be updated later, right? )
  3. One review of a peer’s practice (500 words): only words? Is there any other method of submission?
  4. Is the option only words? Three x 500-word case studies of teaching practice in which you evaluate your approach to
  5. A blog with 4 x 250-word responses to set reading, taught sessions, and related activities A) Is the only option words? B) Not sure how to write critical responses: Any guidelines? …
  6. Reading material: is there any other sources instead of reading material?

And is very embarrassing (and my biggest fear )…. but I don’t understand the brief submission requirement: I can see what you are asking ( blog, peer review), but I don’t know what I should write and the logic of it. I kind of hope I will understand as we go along.

I don’t think I understand the instructions. When you heard my comment, it was interesting that you found it challenging to understand the structure & logic.