First Thoughts on Learning Outcomes

First Thoughts on Learning Outcomes


To meet Learning Outcome 1, I’ll use evidence-based research to demonstrate how inclusive self-assessment is a social justice issue. I’ll outline the intersection of my topic with fields like educational psychology and social justice, detailing my interest and its broader impact. Through consultations with disability experts and reviewing existing projects, I aim to deepen my understanding and make my methods more inclusive and effective.

For Learning Outcome 2, I’ll conduct a pilot test using diverse methods like surveys and interviews. I’ll collaborate with advisors and peers to continually adjust my methods, emphasising the importance of the process over the product.

To achieve Learning Outcome 3, I’ll read and document relevant research methods, consulting with experts for additional insights. After ethical clearance, I’ll run a pilot test to validate my chosen methods and make adjustments during the analysis phase.

For Learning Outcome 4, I’ll summarise my findings clearly and practice presenting them in group tutorials. I’ll be reflective and critical, discussing the project’s successes and limitations while considering the perspectives of different stakeholders. My presentation will be adaptable for diverse audiences to extend its impact.

Learning Outcome 1

Critically analyse how a social justice issue within your academic practice context impacts student experience [Knowledge] 

• Convincing others of your decision-making. 
• Arguing for the validity of your topic and approach. 
• Why it’s of interest to you / why it’s of broader interest. 
• Which fields does it sit in/across? 
• What do you know about your topic?
• What have you learned? 

My ARP project focuses on self-assessment’s impact on critical thinking, anxiety, and compassion among students and staff in a higher education setting. This topic sits at the intersection of educational psychology, pedagogy, and social justice. It is especially relevant in creating an inclusive environment, as I’m in talks with disability experts to ensure that self-assessment methods are accessible to all. The project aims to democratise the education system, aligning with Freirean principles to “liberate” the curriculum. The topic is personally interesting to me because it has the potential to improve the academic and emotional well-being of students significantly. I am not very knowledgeable, but through preliminary discussions and reviews, I’ve learned about the complexities of implementing self-assessment in diverse classroom settings and the ethical considerations involved. I aim to convince others of the project’s validity through rigorous research and ethical adherence and demonstrate its broader implications for enhancing social justice in higher education.

How do you define “social justice”? How do you define “social justice” in relation to your project?

Generally, social justice refers to the equitable distribution of opportunities, resources, and privileges within a society, aimed at diminishing inequalities based on race, gender, economic status, and other social markers. In the context of my ARP project, social justice is defined as creating an inclusive and equitable educational environment where all students, regardless of their background or abilities, have an equal opportunity to succeed. By focusing on self-assessment methods that impact critical thinking, anxiety, and compassion, the project aims to address imbalances in academic experiences. It includes working on inclusivity by consulting with disability experts to ensure that self-assessment methods are accessible to all students. Overall, the project aligns with the social justice goal of levelling the educational playing field, thus empowering students and staff in higher education settings.

In short, My ARP project signifies making educational self-assessment inclusive and equitable for all students.

How I will prepare further for Learning Outcome 1

1. To convince others of my decision-making, I will cite research that validates the importance of inclusive self-assessment in educational settings as a social justice issue.
2. To argue for the validity of my topic and approach, I will show how self-assessment intersects with social justice by promoting inclusivity and equality in educational environments.
3. To express why this project is of personal and wider interest, I will explain my stake in improving pedagogical methods and the broader impact this could have on the educational community.
4. To identify the fields my research sits across, I’ll clarify that my work intersects educational psychology, pedagogy, and social justice studies.
5. To summarise what I know about my topic, I’ll mention that I have started consulting with Disability experts and am reviewing similar projects to inform my approach.
6. To outline what I’ve learned so far, I will explain that my conversations with specialists and ongoing research have deepened my understanding of making self-assessment methods more inclusive and effective.

By taking these steps, I aim to critically analyse the social justice issue within my academic context and its impact on the student experience.

Learning outcome 2

•Develop a feasible and detailed research design [Enquiry]
• It’s about playing and experimenting with methods of Enquiry, rather than becoming expert in them.
• A question of Process rather than product.

To meet Learning Outcome 2, I will:

1. Start with a small pilot test using a mix of research methods like surveys, interviews, and observations to play and experiment with the methodology.
2. Engage in iterative action research cycles, continually tweaking the methods and approaches based on results and reflections.
3. Collaborate with my advisors and peer group to discuss the feasibility of my design, incorporating their input to make adjustments.
4. Be adaptable in the methodology, understanding that this is a discovery process rather than reaching a predetermined endpoint.

By doing this, I aim to develop a feasible and detailed research design rooted in Enquiry methods, emphasising the process rather than just the final product.

Learning Outcome 3

• Design, implement and review research methods and instruments appropriate to your question [Process]
• Reading into research methods.
• Documentation of reading on reading blog/Workflow as appendices for your presentation. i.e. interview data, sketches, etc.
• Harvard referenced.

To meet Learning Outcome 3 for my ARP project, here are the steps I’ll take:

1. First, I will read up on research methods commonly used for studying self-assessment, critical thinking, anxiety, and compassion in educational settings. I’ll look for articles, papers, and other studies that use diverse methods such as surveys, interviews, and observations.
2. I will document all relevant readings on my blog as appendices to support the methods I’ll be using. Each entry will contain Harvard-referenced citations to ensure academic rigour.
3. I will consult with experts, including Dynaya Bhutipunthu and those in the Disability department, to get their input on my chosen research methods and instruments.
4. I’ll try to conduct a pilot test to validate my research methods and instruments after ethical clearance if there is enough time; alternatively, I will discuss with peers.
5. Upon successfully completing the pilot, I will implement these methods for data collection among the targeted student and staff population.
6. Finally, I’ll review the effectiveness of these research methods and instruments during data analysis and will make any needed adjustments for future research iterations.

I aim to design, implement, and review research methods and instruments closely aligned with my research question by following these steps.

Learning outcome 4

• Synthesise your findings and present a critical evaluation of your project in a coherent, context-sensitive manner. [Communication]
• As an academic you are often asked to present your work to others. The assessment mode of presentation reflects this.
• Be critical and reflective about what worked and what next.
• There is an art to presenting clearly and succinctly, which is useful to practice.
• Regular practice in the group tutorials.
• You should be able to present this elsewhere afterwards (to your colleagues/conferences etc)

To meet Learning Outcome 4, I’ll take the following steps:

1. I’ll summarize my findings in a clear and accessible manner, being sure to address their broader implications for social justice within educational settings.
2. I’ll practice my presentation skills in group tutorials to ensure I can communicate my findings clearly and succinctly.
3. I’ll be critical and reflective, discussing both the successes and limitations of my project, as well as proposing the next steps based on my findings.
4. To make my presentation context-sensitive, I’ll consider the perspectives of different stakeholders, such as students, faculty, and disability services.
5. Finally, I’ll create a presentation format that can be easily adapted for different audiences, like colleagues or conferences, to extend the reach of my research.

By taking these steps, I plan to present a critical evaluation of my project in a coherent and context-sensitive manner.

Image: Noce, Kim. (2021). “Power” Online Illustration, Video and AR. Available at  (Accessed: 27 September 2023)