1H References

1H References


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  • Published References: Link
  • (private working file References: Link )



  • Noce, K. and Kennedy, C. (2023) ‘Summary of conversation on educational practices and assessment’, Microsoft Teams, 28 September. Available at: https://kimnoce.myblog.arts.ac.uk/2023/09/29/2b-inclusivity
  • Teaching and Learning Exchange AdvanceHE, CPD, Fellowship, Professional Recognition, PRP. “Carys Kennedy: applying for Senior Fellowship (SFHEA),” March 7, 2023. News Professional Recognition  March 7, 2023  Teaching and Learning Exchange AdvanceHECPDFellowshipprofessional recognitionPRP
  • University of the Arts London. (2019). Inclusive Group Work. Available at: upon request (Accessed: 05 December 2023 – 03 February 2024).
  • University of the Arts London. (2019). Recording Taught Sessions. Available at: upon request (Accessed: : 05 December 2023 – 03 February 2024).
  • Kennedy, C. (2019). A Social Model Approach to Student Wellbeing and Inclusion. University of the Arts London, Disability Service. Available at: upon request (Accessed: 05 December 2023 – 03 February 2024).
  • University of the Arts London. (2019). Using Moodle for Access and Inclusion. Available at: upon request (Accessed: 05 December 2023 – 03 February 2024).
  • University of the Arts London. (2019). UAL Inclusive Marking of Written Work Guidelines for Staff. Available at: https://assessmentfeedback.arts.ac.uk/inclusive.php (Accessed: 05 December 2023 – 03 February 2024).
  • University of the Arts London. (2018). Planning Academic Visits. Available at: upon request (Accessed: 05 December 2023 – 03 February 2024).
  • LCC Moving Image and Digital Arts & Disability Service. (2023). Embedding Inclusive Practices. University of the Arts London. Available at: upon request (Accessed: 05 December 2023 – 03 February 2024).
  • LCC Moving Image and Digital Arts (MIDA). (2023). Inclusive Practices Statement. University of the Arts London. Available at: upon request (Accessed: 05 December 2023 – 03 February 2024).
  • LCC MIDA x Disability Service. (Date of Publication). Recommendations for Embedding Inclusive Practices. University of the Arts London. Available at: upon request (Accessed: 05 December 2023 – 03 February 2024).
  • Jain, N.R. (Year of Publication). Why Crip Assessment? Critical Disability Studies Theories to Advance Assessment for Inclusion. DOI: 10.4324/9781003293101-5.


  • Noce, Kim. (2007-2022). “Note-taking drawings: Presentation and Filmmaking and Collaboration Classes.” NFTS National Film Television School Archive.
  • Young, Millicent. (2023, August 18-20). “Biophilia.” WFFT Field Trip, Wildlife Friends Foundation Thailand—Saving Asia’s Wildlife, Petchaburi, Thailand.
  • Tjora, A. H. (2006). Writing small discoveries: An exploration of fresh observers’ observations. Qualitative Research, 6(4), 429-451. Norwegian University of Science and Technology. SAGE Publications.


  • Bhutipunthu, D. (2023). CDP Studio Evaluation Rubrics. Private Archive. Available at: upon request (Accessed: 02 October 2023 – 03 February 2024).
  • Bhutipunthu, D. (2023). CDP BFA PLOs. Private Archive. Available at: upon request (Accessed: 02 October 2023 – 03 February 2024).
  • Bhutipunthu, D. (2023). Peer Evaluation ICCD326 T3 2023. Private Archive. Available at: upon request (Accessed: 02 October 2023 – 03 February 2024).
  • Bhutipunthu, D. (2023). Table Study Plan. Private Archive. Available at: upon request (Accessed: 02 October 2023 – 03 February 2024).


  • Freire, P. (2000). Pedagogy of the Oppressed, 30th anniversary edn, translated by Myra Bergman Ramos, with an introduction by Donaldo Macedo. New York: Continuum.
  • Mellow Kyler (2022) YouTube. Video Audiobook: Freire, P. (2018). Pedagogy of the Oppressed. 4th edn. [ebook] New York: Bloomsbury Academic: Available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9NzKrFAaCsA (Accessed: 07 June 2023-03 February 2024).
  • Neill, A.S., 1998. Summerhill School: A New View of Childhood. Revised ed. New York: St Martin’s Press.


  • University of Sheffield. (2018). Emotionally Demanding Research: Risks to the Researcher. Available at: MOODLE PGCERT (Accessed: 05 December 2023 – 03 February 2024).
  • Banks, S. (2016). ‘Everyday Ethics in Professional Life: Social Work as Ethics Work’. Ethics and Social Welfare, 10(1), pp. 35-52. DOI:10.1080/17496535.2015.1126623.
  • British Educational Research Association (BERA). (2018). Ethical Guidelines for Educational Research, fourth edition. Available at: https://www.bera.ac.uk/researchers-resources/publications/ethical-guidelines-for-educational-research-2018 (Accessed: 05 December 2023 – 03 February 2024).
  • H., K. (2015). Creative Research Methods in the Social Sciences: A Practical Guide. Bristol: Policy Press. MOODLE PGCERT (Accessed: 05 December 2023 – 03 February 2024).
  • British Educational Research Association [BERA]. (2018). Ethical Guidelines for Educational Research, fourth edition. London: British Educational Research Association. Available at: https://www.bera.ac.uk/researchers-resources/publications/ethical-guidelines-for-educational-research-2018 (Accessed: 05 December 2023 – 03 February 2024).


  • Freire, P. (2000). Pedagogy of the Oppressed, 30th anniversary edn, translated by Myra Bergman Ramos, with an introduction by Donaldo Macedo. New York: Continuum.
  • Kono, S. et al. (2020). Ikigai and Motivation in Learning Contexts: A Review and Future Directions. Educational Psychology Review.
  • Richardson, C. (2017). The Creative Student: The Future of Education. Creative Education Foundation.
  • Cameron, J. (2002). The Artist’s Way: A Spiritual Path to Higher Creativity. TarcherPerigee.


  • Bell, Judith (2010) Doing Your Research Project, McGraw-Hill Education, McGraw-Hill EducationProQuest Ebook Central,http://ebookcentral.proquest.com/lib/ual/detail.action?docID=771407.Created from ual on 2022-12-12 17:25:49.
  • Freire, P. (2000). Pedagogy of the Oppressed, 30th anniversary edn, translated by Myra Bergman Ramos, with an introduction by Donaldo Macedo. New York: Continuum.
  • Mellow Kyler (2022) YouTube. Video Audiobook: Freire, P. (2018). Pedagogy of the Oppressed. 4th edn. [ebook] New York: Bloomsbury Academic: Available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9NzKrFAaCsA (Accessed: 07 June 2023-03 February 2024).
  • (2024). “Data Collection Using Drawings, Photographs and Transcript: A Reflexive Approach in Ethnographic Research”, Open AI ChatGPT. [Date of Chat: 05 December 2023 – 03 February 2024].
  • Noce, K. (2024). “Collection of Pictures: Student Self-Evaluation Observations Documentation” [Digital Photographs].
  • Noce, K. (2024). “ARP KIM NOCE – Growing Equity – Presentation 9-2-2024” [PDF].


  • Freire, P. (2000). Pedagogy of the Oppressed, 30th anniversary edn, translated by Myra Bergman Ramos, with an introduction by Donaldo Macedo. New York: Continuum.
  • Mellow Kyler (2022) YouTube. Video Audiobook: Freire, P. (2018). Pedagogy of the Oppressed. 4th edn. [ebook] New York: Bloomsbury Academic: Available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9NzKrFAaCsA (Accessed: 07 June 2023-03 February 2024).
  • (2024). “Data Collection Using Drawings, Photographs and Transcript: A Reflexive Approach in Ethnographic Research”, Open AI ChatGPT. [Date of Chat: 05 December 2023 – 03 February 2024].
  • Noce, K. (2024). “Collection of Pictures: Student Self-Evaluation Observations Documentation” [Digital Photographs].
  • Noce, K. (2024). “ARP KIM NOCE – Growing Equity – Presentation 9-2-2024” [PDF].


  • Freire, P. (2000). Pedagogy of the Oppressed, 30th anniversary edn, translated by Myra Bergman Ramos, with an introduction by Donaldo Macedo. New York: Continuum.
  • Mellow Kyler (2022) YouTube. Video Audiobook: Freire, P. (2018). Pedagogy of the Oppressed. 4th edn. [ebook] New York: Bloomsbury Academic: Available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9NzKrFAaCsA (Accessed: 07 June 2023-03 February 2024).
  • (2024). “Data Collection Mentimeter Survey” Mentimeter. [Survey taken on 11 December 2023] PDF.
  • Noce, K. (2024). “ARP KIM NOCE – Growing Equity – Presentation 9-2-2024” [PDF].


  • Freire, P. (2000). Pedagogy of the Oppressed, 30th anniversary edn, translated by Myra Bergman Ramos, with an introduction by Donaldo Macedo. New York: Continuum.
  • Mellow Kyler (2022) YouTube. Video Audiobook: Freire, P. (2018). Pedagogy of the Oppressed. 4th edn. [ebook] New York: Bloomsbury Academic: Available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9NzKrFAaCsA (Accessed: 07 June 2023-03 February 2024).
  • (2024). “Data Collection Using Drawings, Photographs and Transcript: A Reflexive Approach in Ethnographic Research”, Open AI ChatGPT. [Date of Chat: 05 December 2023 – 03 February 2024].
  • Noce, K. (2024). “Collection of Drawings: Student Self-Evaluation Observations Documentation” [Watercolour drawings].
  • Noce, K. (2024). “ARP KIM NOCE – Growing Equity – Presentation 9-2-2024” [PDF].
  • Esberger, T. (2023) “Ma Academic Practice, Major Project, Drawing | Pedagogy | Ethnography, UAL MAP, 21040812. [PDF].
  • Smith, C. (2023). January 11, 2023, Mud, Muddy, Muddier Still: Pedagogic Research in the Arts University, What happens when workshops happen?, UAL 22/23 PgCert Academic Practice in Art, Design and Communication TLE CPD, Presentation January 11, 2023,[ PDF].


  • Freire, P. (2000). Pedagogy of the Oppressed, 30th anniversary edn, translated by Myra Bergman Ramos, with an introduction by Donaldo Macedo. New York: Continuum.
  • Mellow Kyler (2022) YouTube. Video Audiobook: Freire, P. (2018). Pedagogy of the Oppressed. 4th edn. [ebook] New York: Bloomsbury Academic: Available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9NzKrFAaCsA (Accessed: 07 June 2023-03 February 2024).
  • (2024). “Data Collection Using Drawings, Photographs and Transcript: A Reflexive Approach in Ethnographic Research”, Open AI ChatGPT. [Date of Chat: 05 December 2023 – 03 February 2024].
  • Noce, K. (2024). “Collection of Drawings: Student Self-Evaluation Observations Documentation” [Watercolour drawings].
  • Noce, K. (2024). “Collection of Images: Student Self-Evaluation Observations Documentation” [Digital photographs]
  • (2024). “Mentimeter Evaluation ” [DPF]
  • Noce, K. (2024). “ARP KIM NOCE – Growing Equity – Presentation 9-2-2024” [PDF]


  • Freire, P. (2000). Pedagogy of the Oppressed, 30th anniversary edn, translated by Myra Bergman Ramos, with an introduction by Donaldo Macedo. New York: Continuum.
  • Mellow Kyler (2022) YouTube. Video Audiobook: Freire, P. (2018). Pedagogy of the Oppressed. 4th edn. [ebook] New York: Bloomsbury Academic: Available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9NzKrFAaCsA (Accessed: 07 June 2023-03 February 2024).
  • Noce, K. (2024). “ARP KIM NOCE – Growing Equity – Presentation 9-2-2024” [PDF]
  • University of the Arts London (UAL). (n.d.). Change the way we teach. Retrieved from https://www.arts.ac.uk/about-ual/climate-action-plan/change-the-way-we-teach  (Accessed: 07 June 2023-03 February 2024).
  • University of the Arts London (UAL). (n.d.). Equality, diversity and inclusion. Retrieved from https://www.arts.ac.uk/about-ual/equality-and-diversity  (Accessed: 07 June 2023-03 February 2024).
  • Vilsmaier, U., Faschingeder, G., & Merçon, J. (Eds.). (2020). Methods for inter- and transdisciplinary research and learning based on Paulo Freire. Journal für Entwicklungspolitik, XXXVI(3). Mattersburger Kreis für Entwicklungspolitik an den österreichischen Universitäten.


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