3A Artefact

3A Artefact
About me
Research Question
ARP Blog Matrix


The project explores the impact of student self-evaluation on critical thinking, anxiety, and compassion among students with diverse backgrounds, abilities, and needs. The research question investigates how self-evaluation can bridge inclusive gaps, aiming to enhance the educational experience by fostering a deeper understanding of personal and academic growth. This inquiry is particularly relevant in creating more inclusive and supportive learning environments that cater to varied needs and develop social justice in collaboration with the student body .

The activity is designed for MA students in Animation and focuses on enhancing professional skills through self-evaluation, goal setting, and co-creation of content. This multi-part activity includes:

  1. Workshop on Self-Evaluation: A session aimed at guiding students through the process of self-assessment. This component is crucial for students to critically reflect on their skills, identify their strengths and weaknesses, and understand the areas that require improvement.
  2. Goal Determination Handout: Accompanying the workshop, a handout is provided for students to articulate their personal and professional goals. This step is instrumental in helping students focus on what they wish to achieve through the course, thereby allowing them to tailor the learning experience to suit their objectives.
  3. Co-Creation of Final Submission Content: Leveraging the insights gained from self-evaluation and goal setting, students collaborate with tutors to design the content for their final submission. This approach fosters a personalized learning environment where students can focus on developing skills that align with their career aspirations.
  4. Follow-Up Discussion, Survey, and Note-Taking: To assess the effectiveness of the activity, a follow-up session is conducted. This includes discussions, surveys, and the collection of feedback through various means to evaluate the impact of the self-evaluation and goal-setting exercises on the students’ learning journey and the attainment of their objectives.

The methodology combines qualitative and quantitative analysis, ensuring a comprehensive evaluation of the activity’s success. This innovative approach not only enhances students’ self-awareness and professional competencies but also contributes to a more engaged and personalized learning experience in higher education.

Schedule 11 December 2023

On December 11th, the workshop unfolded with a focus on empowering participants through self-evaluation, goal-setting, and collaborative learning, offering a structured and interactive environment for personal and professional development.

  • 4:00 pm – 4:10 pm: Welcome and Introduction
    • Briefly introduce the session’s objectives and outline the activities
    • Consent form, information sheet, brief and Artefact Matrix, .
  • 4:10 pm – 4:20 pm: Overview of Self-Evaluation Process
    • Explain the importance of self-evaluation in professional development.
  • 4:20 pm – 4:50 pm: Goal Setting Exercise
    • Guide students through the handout to set their personal and professional goals.
    • Field note taking
  • 4:50 pm – 5:05 pm: Breakout Group Discussions
    • Students discuss their goals and expectations in small groups, facilitating peer learning.
  • 5:05 pm – 5:20 pm: Co-Creation Session Introduction
    • Outline how students will collaborate with tutors to tailor the content for their final submissions.
  • 5:20 pm – 5:40 pm: Interactive Co-Creation Activity
    • Practical session where students and tutors work together on the content for the final submissions.
  • 5:40 pm – 6:00 pm: Feedback Collection Survey
    • Summarize the day’s activities and collect initial feedback through a survey : mentimeter.
  • 6:00 pm – 6:20 pm Feedback Collection Survey
    • Dicussion through focus Group
  • 6:20 pm – 6:30 pm: Closing Remarks and Next Steps
    • Discuss follow-up actions, including how the feedback will be used.


About me
Research Question
Research Methods
Summary Findings
Next Steps
ARP Blog Matrix