Nature and Character Creation: Reflections

Nature and Character Creation: Reflections

In August 2024, I led a series of Character Creation workshops to connect students with nature, encouraging them to explore their own identities by creating characters inspired by found natural elements. This unique approach combined elements from my “En Plein Air” workshops and Animation Art Therapy concepts, creating a space where participants could engage with the environment in a meaningful, reflective, and creative manner. The one-hour workshop was delivered with assistant Dengyun Zhang -an ex-MA Animation student at LCC, focusing on stop motion animation across China in four cities: Beijing, Shanghai, Hangzhou, and Shenzhen Maxine’s campuses.


Workshop Overview: Integrating Nature with Self-Expression

The Character Creation workshops were designed to make students work with the natural environments of each city. Drawing inspiration from the “En Plein Air” method, which emphasizes learning in the open air and fostering environmental consciousness, due to time restrictions, I collect vegetation and other found objects to use as the foundation for their character designs from the hotel to the campus. This hands-on, nature-based approach allowed students to directly engage with the material they see daily and use these organic materials as a medium for self-expression. The collected elements became integral to the character-creation process, physically representing the student’s emotional states or personal identities. This tactile engagement with nature promoted a deeper understanding of the environment as students explored how the materials could embody aspects of their personal narratives, such as strength, fragility, or transformation.


Blending Art Therapy with Character Creation

A vital component of these workshops was incorporating principles from Animation Art Therapy, a practice I have been developing to bridge art, therapy, and animation. The workshops provided an emotionally safe space where students could explore their feelings and identities through art. By connecting natural materials to their inner experiences, participants engaged in a therapeutic dialogue between their external environment and internal emotional landscapes.

This approach aligns with the philosophy of Art Animation Therapy, which emphasizes self-awareness, emotional processing, and the therapeutic potential of creative practice. The use of natural materials grounded the characters in the physical world and provided a symbolic link between the students’ inner selves and the natural elements around them. This process encouraged reflection on personal identity and how our environment can shape our experiences.


Reflecting on the Impact: Student Engagement and Outcomes

The workshops revealed various creative outputs, each character reflecting a unique intersection of nature and personal storytelling. Students expressed a heightened awareness of their surroundings and demonstrated a profound connection to the materials they worked with. By engaging in this hands-on, reflective practice, participants developed a deeper appreciation for the role of nature in their creative processes and a greater understanding of how art can be a tool for emotional expression.

Integrating natural elements into character design encouraged students to think beyond traditional artistic techniques, exploring how texture, form, and organic shapes could symbolize different facets of their identities. This method of character creation facilitated a holistic approach to learning, where the artistic process became intertwined with personal reflection and emotional exploration.


Theoretical Foundations and Future Directions

The Character Creation workshops were underpinned by theoretical insights from the “En Plein Air” research and the broader framework of Animation Art Therapy. Inspired by the pedagogical approaches of Freire’s “Pedagogy of the Oppressed” and Buber’s “I and Thou,” the workshops fostered a dialogical relationship between students and their environment. This interaction challenged participants to view nature as a backdrop and as an active participant in their creative journey, encouraging a shift from passive observation to engaged, mindful creation.

As I continue to develop and refine the principles of Animation Art Therapy, these workshops have demonstrated the value of integrating nature into the creative process. By encouraging students to create characters that reflect their emotional states using found natural objects, the workshops highlighted the therapeutic potential of art as a means of self-exploration and environmental connection.


The Character Creation workshops provided a unique and transformative learning experience, blending character design with environmental awareness and self-reflection. By engaging directly with natural materials, students could create characters that embodied their personal narratives and connected them to the world around them. This approach underscores the importance of integrating art, therapy, and nature, offering new pathways for personal growth, creative expression, and emotional healing.

















