2C Participant Facing-documents

2C Participant Facing-documents
Matrix Artefact brief
Participant-facing documents
Information Sheet
Consent Form


This blogpost outlines the participant-facing materials for the action research project “Growing Equity” including a Brief , Participant Information Sheet, and Consent Form These documents are meticulously designed to ensure clarity, engagement, and adherence to ethical standards. As the project has evolved, it has undergone several iterations to refine its scope and ethical considerations, reflecting a dynamic approach to research and participant engagement.


The Brief comprises two versions: Accessible Brief and the Artefact Brief. Both aim to provide students with engaging and comprehensible material. The Artefact Brief, an interactive A3 document folding into A4, offers a unique format for interactive content and note-taking. Inspired by Ikigai and “The Artist’s Way,” it serves as a guide for personal and professional growth, encouraging students to align their lives with their passions. Please read more in the blog post about revision and changes https://kimnoce.myblog.arts.ac.uk/2023/12/02/3d-brief/

Information Sheet

The Participant Information Sheet for “Growing Equity” details the project’s goals within the PgCert Academic Practice in Art, Design, and Communication at UAL. Focusing on student self-evaluation’s impact on critical thinking, anxiety, and compassion, it outlines the study’s qualitative approach, participant confidentiality, and ethical adherence based on UAL’s Code of Practice on Educational Ethics outlined in the Ethical Enquiry Form provided in my Ethic‘s blog post.

Please find the document in the Information Sheet blogpost : https://kimnoce.myblog.arts.ac.uk/2023/11/19/4d-information-sheet/

Consent Form

The Consent Form details the research’s purpose, participant involvement, data handling, and ethical considerations, including consent for image or voice recording and rights to withdrawal. It ensures participants are fully informed and agree to their participation terms, following  UAL’s Code of Practice on Educational Ethics outlined in the Ethical Enquiry Form provided in my Ethic‘s blog post.

Please find the document in the Consent Form blogpost : https://kimnoce.myblog.arts.ac.uk/2023/11/25/5d-consent-form/


Throughout the development of “Growing Equity,” the project has seen various revisions to align with evolving goals and ethical standards. These adjustments reflect a commitment to ethical integrity and responsive research design, ensuring that as the project expands and contracts, it remains grounded in ethical principles and participant-centric approaches outlined in the Ethical Enquiry Form provided in my Ethic‘s blog post..